Thank you for visiting! Below is a little history of past sermon series topics, and the one we are currently working through. Sermons are all archived on Epworth's Facebook and YouTube pages.
Worship at Epworth is very down to earth, and a sacred thing. We laugh a lot, and pray a lot, and are deeply aware of the presence of God. Under ordinary circumstances, you will find about 60 people, give or take, including folks in their 90s, brand new babies and their parents, and everyone in between. You will find people in dresses and ties (not too many of those, really), and people in jeans and t-shirts. We do our best to make sure we explain everything that happens in worship so that you won't feel lost in a new place.
Children of all ages are welcome in worship, even if they are wiggly and talkative. We love it. We have a bunch of quiet toys and activities for their busy hands and minds during worship, and excellent nursery care if you or they prefer...we have been there, we know how it is with little ones who are just not having it sometimes.
Worship begins at 9am and lasts about an hour and 15 minutes. Live broadcast of the sermon begins at 9:30am. Hope to see you there. :-)
Inspired by the book of the same name by Adam Hamilton, this season we are reading and praying with Jesus' sermons, stories, and parables to rediscover the heart of his message.
Join us in person at 280 E Stillwater Ave or live on YouTube at 9:00am, or on KVLV AM980 at 9:30AM. However you choose to join us, may God fill your life with wonder!
Beginning with the story of Jesus changing six stone jars of water into wine, we'll explore together the ways Jesus takes our fears of scarcity and fills us instead with more than we could ever ask or imagine. Inspired by the great work of Marcia McFee.
We are incredibly blessed to be hearing Sunday messages this month from beloved pastor friends and church members, each offering their own perspectives on different aspects of faith in this season of Epiphany.
Join us every Sunday for Advent worship, as we prepare for Christ to be born anew in each of us. On Sunday, December 15 our Joyful Noise Choir will fill our sanctuary with myusic with our Christmas Cantata. On Saturday, December 21 at 3pm and 7pm, join us for a special prayer service on the longest night of the ear. And on Christmas Eve, we'll sing carols and light candles at 3pm, 7pm, and 11pm. See you there.
In sorrow and exuberant joy, music has always been part of religious expression. In this series, we sing and hear music from hundreds of years ago and today, and give thanks for the ways "music expresses that which cannot be said, and about which it is impossible to remain silent." (Victor Hugo)
Passionate and dedicated even though he never met Jesus in person, Paul's life is a rollercoaster of joy and heartbreak. We'll talk together this month about the ways God moves and transforms us and the world, through all the seasons of our lives.
The stories of the Bible's women, named and unnamed, who were leaders, evangelists, queens, prophets, and most of all disciples.
Our summer movie series! This year, we'll explore faith, trust, and the amazing grace of God. This year's movies are Hook, Up, and Kiki's Delivery Service,
A look at the history, theology, and meaning of the stories and visions in the book of Daniel.
Where is God when we completely lose our minds, and it feels like everything is falling apart? We'll look at a bunch of Biblical characters who absolutely LOST it, how God responded, and how God meets us in our deepest darkness.
A slow and deliberate journey through the Gospel of Mark asking, as Jesus asked Peter, who do we say Jesus is?
A deep dive into the Lord's Prayer.
How a life following Jesus creates an entirely new (and better) normal.
The story of Jesus' birth, told through some of our favorite hymns and carols.
Based on the book by Adam Hamilton, explore with us the joy of freedom from "stuff" and abundant life in what matters.
The Christian life as understood by John Wesley''s 3 simple rules: Do no harm, do good, and stay in love with God.
Inspired by the book by Adam Hamilton, join us as we read, study, pray with, and apply this important guidance from the book of James.
A hopeful, inspiring history of the Christian faith, told through historic and modern music.
A bad beginning, a messy middle, an amazing transformation, and a legacy of blessing.
What the Bible tells us about caring for our selves and each other, and growing in faith together.
John (if that was the author's name) tells us he (or she!) wrote this Gospel so that we might believe, and in believing find life in Jesus' name.
Entering the kin-dom like a child, and the spirituality of wonder, creativity, and play.
The hopes and prophecies from thousands of years ago, and the way Jesus fulfilled them, can change the world today too.
Mary, Martha, the Prodigal Son, and the God who loves us all.
Mary, Martha, the Prodigal Son, and the God who loves us all.
The first part of the Sermon on the Mount, through Middle Eastern eyes.
A series about all kinds of families. Disney's Encanto, academy award winning CODA, the dysfunction of Knives Out, and more.
Join us as we talk about our very real fears, and how God can help us face them, and free us for true shalom: not just the absence of conflict, but the presence of real and lasting joy.
Join us in following Jesus through the Gospel of Luke, inspired by the theme song of "The Chosen," accepting Jesus' invitation to take his hand and be rescued, refreshed, and reborn.
Inspired by the book and worship series by Rev Adam Hamilton, we'll work through Paul's letter to the churches in Rome, one of the most significant letters ever written.
Work, play, rest, and worship. We need all of these things in healthy balance, and when we do the door is open to the truly abundant life Jesus promises.
We'd never be able to cover all the world's Christian music, but join us as we explore the history of our faith expressed in United States hymns and gospel music, and its roots hundreds and thousands of years ago.
Like the work of an elite Olympic athlete, our spiritual life takes time, attention, sacrifice, and commitment. But it is incredibly rewarding. When we do the work, we get the benefit of emotional resilience, peace of mind, and boundless love.
Just a few decades after the time of the Judges, a young shepherd boy is told by a wild prophet named Samuel that one day he would take Saul's place as King of Israel. A man of great faith and terrible flaws, David's story can teach us a great deal about God and ourselves.
The book of Judges is full of some of the wildest stories and strangest characters in the Bible. A lot of it is pretty awful. But there are excellent lessons for us in it, and a surprising portion of God's grace.
2000 years ago, those who had been with Jesus during his life, death, and resurrection shared their stories and the church -- they called it The Way -- spread like wildfire. What we can learn from the church in those earliest days, and how they lived their faith?
Inspired by the book and worship series by Rev Adam Hamilton, we'll work through the story of Jesus' life, teaching, death, and resurrection in the Gospel of John.
Did you know that you are made, carefully and on purpose, exactly how God wants you? That you are a work of art? It's true. And because God loves each of us so completely, we can love God in return with all that we are.
King, Savior, Emmanuel, light of the world. Celebrate Christmas at Epworth UMC.
A whole lot of Jesus' ministry happened around tables full of food. We'll meet Jesus together around a bunch of different tables, and see what it tells us about who Jesus is, and who we are.
Creation. Uncreation. Recreation. Harvest. God's ongoing creation of the universe and each of us.
Travel back in time more than 3000 years, and meet the people at the center of a beautiful love story. Watch as God shows up over and over, anonymously, to bring hope in the midst of sorrow and struggle.
In times like this, when everything is changing and uncertain, scary and frustrating, we need hope more than ever. Thank God, reasons for hope are everywhere!
Our traditional Summer worship series, using great stories from movies you suggest to think about the Kingdom -- or kin-dom -- of God. This year, our movies are Abominable, The Perfect Game, Big Fish, and Hidden Figures.
After the celebration of Jesus' resurrection, we -- just as Jesus' friends and followers -- are left with the question: what now? From simple fisherman to the Rock on which Jesus built the church, we will explore together the amazing things God can do with our own simple, ordinary selves.
Inspired by the book and sermon series by Adam Hamilton, we are spending the season of Lent going deeper in our faith by spending more intentional time in prayer, study, service, giving, and living abundantly.
Everywhere we look, people are divided, but we long for community. We long to know and be known, to be understood and to understand, to love and be loved. Join us this month to explore what the Bible and our faith in Jesus Christ can tell us about building the beloved community.
The month of January gives us the gift of a series of independent sermons by Epworth's gifted preachers and worship leaders. Each Sunday has a different theme. Join us to praise God and expect surprises of love and holy grace.
How do we know what is true? Did God speak thousands of years ago, and then stop? Is God still speaking? Join us as we hear the message of God's prophets in the Bible, and see what they have to say to us today.
We want deeper relationships with God and with each other, and the rich, full life that comes with it, but we feel like we just don't have the time, energy, or resources to devote to it. Join us to confront and overcome our "buts', and find the abundant life Jesus promises.
It's a time when we prepare our lives—hearts, minds, and spirits—for the coming of the Christ child. We sweep out the corners of our hearts, cleaning up the clutter, to make space for God's hope, peace, joy, love, and presence. Inspired by the book by Beth A. Richardson.
Methodists seek out answers about God, ourselves, and the major questions our day using Scripture, tradition, reason, and experience. Also, baseball!
Epworth teams up again this year with the historic Fallon Theatre to show free movies! And then, on the following Sundays, we talk together about each movie as a modern day parable. This year's movies are Star Wars: the Last Jedi, O Brother Where Art Thou, Disney's Tarzan, and Field of Dreams.
The Bible and our lives today are full of broken people, restored, repurposed, and redeemed. What can God do in your life?
Outcasts welcomed. Broken made whole, Righteous humbled. Powerful challenged. Lost ones found. Jesus' life and ministry builds a Kingdom completely different from what people then and now expected.
A Biblical guide to loving one another.
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam all come from the same root. This series explores how we are similar, how we are different, and what we can learn from each other.
This year is the 200th anniversary of the writing and singing of Silent Night. Inspired by Marcia McFee, we remember the Christmas story through this beautiful hymn.
Absurdly happy. Absolutely fearless. Constantly in trouble. We can learn a lot about God, ourselves, and the life to which we are called through our four-legged furry friends.
Explore the incredible life and ministry of Moses, who is -- next to Jesus himself -- the most important prophet in the Bible.
Follow me, Jesus said, and I will make you fishers of people. Some real local fishermen and fisherwomen talk with us about what on earth that means! And we rejoice together in the faith that will not let us go.
Modern parables are all around us! Watch the movie, and then in worship we talk together about where God shows up.
July 15: We Are Marshall
July 22: Wonder
July 29: The Sandlot
August 5: Coco
Second only to Jesus himself, Paul is probably the one person who played the most significant role in establishing the Christian faith. Using the book of Acts and Paul's own letters, we travel with him and learn about his life, his conversion, his faith, and what we can learn from him today.
The Resurrection is only the beginning. As he did when he appeared to his disciples to comfort, inspire, heal, and love them, so Jesus does for us. Join us to go beyond the motions, beyond appearances to deeper faith, greater hope, fuller life.
Follow Jesus' ministry told in the Gospel of Mark, and reawaken to the extravagant, overflowing, unreasonable
love of God.
"For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength." 1 Corinthians 1:25
From the very first sentence, Mark's Gospel is a story of beginnings. Explore with us the ways Jesus breaks into our story, and makes everything new.
The arrival of the Magi, and a special guest sermon about the God's great love in Jesus Christ.
As we wait with hushed anticipation for the birth of the Messiah, we tell that old, old story once again and give thanks for hope, joy, love, and peace.
A little bit of history, a little bit of theology, a little bit of music, and a whole lot of celebrating food, fun, and friendship as some of the best parts of a family of faith.
With Rev Robert Fulghum's book as our inspiration, the simple biblical truths that form the foundation for a whole, healthy life.
Life is so much better when we have a community of mutual love and support around us. This sermon series explores the best ways to develop those blessings in the present, and into the future.
Prepare the ground. Plant the seeds, Nourish and water them. Watch them grow, and produce fruit, to make more seeds, to plant more trees! This series explores what happens in us and in the world when we follow God and cultivate our faith.